
Anita E. Hendrickson, PhD, FARVO, of the University of Washington (UW) Vision Science Center passed away on March 7, 2017. Dr. Hendrickson served as vice chair (1992 - 1994) and chair (1994 - 2000) of the Department of Biological Structure and has been a professor since 1984. She was much respected for her dedication towards advancing the careers of young scientists and for fostering outstanding research, leading with her own pioneering work on primate retinal development.  

Dr. Hendrickson's first published paper was in 1966, which began a life-long career of esteemed research and published works throughout her career and into her retirement. In 1976, her first paper on primate retinal development was the focus of her most significant scientific legacy. Building on Ida Mann's 1928 monograph, the 1976 publication marked the beginning of an extended and clinically informed investigation of the retina which identified the previously unrecognized phenomenon of photoreceptor migration and translocation towards the location of the future fovea, now understood as the key mechanism underlying foveal specialization for high acuity vision. Her interest in the fovea and its emergence in development captured her imagination for over 40 years.

An active ARVO member for more than 35 years, Dr. Hendrickson served in numerous roles that included Long Range Planning Committee (1993 - 1996), Trustee for the Anatomy/Pathology section (1993 - 1998) and Board of Trustees (vice president) (1997 - 1998). She also served as a section editor for Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. In 2002 Dr. Hendrickson was the recipient of the prestigious Proctor Medal, which honored her career of outstanding research in the basic or clinical sciences as applied to ophthalmology. Dr. Hendrickson became an ARVO Gold Fellow in 2009. She was also an ardent supporter of the ARVO Foundation.