
Setting up research in a new country


Webinar | Feb. 26 | 9 - 10:30am ET

  • Members/Members-in-Training — $0
  • Nonmembers/Nonmembers-in-Training — $15

Audience: Vision scientists and researchers interested in learning more about research opportunities in other countries.

Summary: With increases in global mobility and international networks, vision researchers will increasingly face the task of undertaking research in a new setting. This could be in the form of developing a research career following a personal move to a new country, for example from one with a more rudimentary, to another with a more advanced research infrastructure. Conversely, researchers from resource-rich settings may seek to undertake collaborative, impactful research in relatively resource-poor settings. The statement “I wish I had known about this earlier…” is often heard in both cases. This webinar aims to discuss some of these challenges and potential solutions from researchers who have had to make a range of such transitions. This session will consist of presentations from leading individuals who have a wealth of first-hand experience successfully navigating research in new environments.

This webinar is hosted by ARVO's Global Members Committee (GMC). A certificate of attendance will be available to attendees upon completion.

Organizers and Moderators: Benedicte Lescrauwaet, MSc; Damian Dorfman, MD, PhD; Omar Mahroo, MB, BChir, PhD, FRCOphth

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Transforming eye health in low and middle income countries
Andrew Bastawrous, OBEAndrew Bastawrous, OBE
Founder & CEO, Peek Vision
Professor of Global Eye Health, International Centre for Eye Health @ London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Setting up research in India from the UK
Sobha Sivaprasad, FRCS, FRCOphth, DMSobha Sivaprasad, FRCS, FRCOphth, DM
Consultant Ophthalmologist
Director of Moorfields NIHR Clinical Research Facility
Moorfields Eye Hospital London

Insights from the National Eye Survey of Trinidad and Tobago
Tasanee Braithwaite BMBCh MPH MRCP FRCOphth DM (Oxon) Tasanee Braithwaite, BMBCh MPH MRCP FRCOphth DM (Oxon)
Consultant Ophthalmologist, Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
Clinical Academic Research Excellence Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre for Translational Medicine, King's Health Partners
Senior Lecturer in Epidemiology and Health Informatics, King's College London
Researching blindness in many countries
Tunde Peto, MD, PhDTunde Peto, MD, PhD
Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology
Queen's University Belfast 
Consultant Ophthalmologist, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, UK

*Presenters and presentations are subject to change