Volunteer and engagement opportunities


Volunteer opportunities


Volunteer members are the heart of ARVO. As a volunteer, you are an integrated partner with our staff in ARVO's mission to advance research worldwide into understanding the visual system and preventing, treating and curing its disorders. Volunteering can also give you an edge throughout your career development and be rewarding. Some of the benefits include:

  • Earning "Fellow of ARVO" (FARVO) points
  • Networking with other eye and vision researchers
  • Giving back to the field
  • Increasing your scientific knowledge
  • Sharing your scientific knowledge with others

The time commitment required varies from a few hours to a few years, depending on your volunteer role.

If you take personal satisfaction from making a meaningful contribution, please consider applying for one or more of ARVO's volunteer opportunities listed below. 

Mentor volunteer opportunities

Our volunteer mentors regularly express personal and professional satisfaction from giving guidance on career development, work-life balance and engaging in ARVO. ARVO offers the following three (non-science) mentoring opportunities to help encourage and develop the career of member students, trainees, early-career investigators and up-and-coming ARVO leaders.

Early-Career (Global) Mentorship Program (ECMP) mentors help members-in-training or junior investigators seeking professional (non-scientific) guidance for their careers and becoming actively engaged in ARVO. To qualify as a mentor, you must be a current ARVO member for at least five years at the time of your application and must maintain active membership throughout the six-month program. You receive 1 FARVO point upon completion of the mentorship and a follow-up survey. Learn more

Women’s Leadership Development Program (LDP) mentors guide early- to mid-career investigators who are looking to advance their career and are interested in future leadership roles within ARVO. To volunteer you must have prior mentoring experience and have held an ARVO leadership role. Successful candidates serve as mentors for one year. The application period opens in the fall to be a mentor for the following year’s program. Learn more

Developing Country Eye Researcher Travel Fellowships (DCERF) mentors assist visiting researchers from developing countries attending their first ARVO Annual Meeting. You play an influential part in your mentee's experience by helping them plan their time at the meeting and making introductions to other researchers with similar interests who could be helpful to their work going forward. Interested applicants should contact the ARVO Foundation. Learn more

Committee volunteer opportunities

Applications open to Jan. 10
Committee volunteers are responsible for accurately sensing the environment, processing information and providing valuable guidance to the ARVO Board of Trustees.

In addition to an applicant's knowledge, skills and experience, consideration is given to appointing ARVO members who have not previously served on a committee and to broadening geographical and ethnic diversity and gender and Scientific Section parity. Please note that ARVO receives hundreds of applications every year for about 35 committee openings. So, providing full details in your application as well as having a complete ARVOConnect profile is helpful. The next round of applications will be accepted from December 2024 through January 2025. Learn more

Annual Meeting volunteer opportunities

ARVO has a few short-term volunteer roles available at the 2025 Annual Meeting. Each role allows you to earn 1 FARVO point. Opportunities include:

  • Serving as a judge for the Members-in-Training Outstanding Poster Competition
  • Reviewing student resumes and offering career advice
  • Serving as a Breakfast with an Expert table host

Members who express interest in these short-term volunteer service opportunities will have their names forwarded to the appropriate program coordinators for consideration. If interested, please complete the Volunteer Application Form.

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Engagement opportunities

ARVO could not succeed without engaged members. ARVO offers a variety of ways for members to get involved through quick tasks and be plugged in to the global ARVO community. Please note these opportunities are not eligible for the Fellows of ARVO (FARVO) program. Learn more