

ARVO Elections


A key benefit of ARVO membership is the ability to have your say in the association’s leadership by casting your vote in annual elections and nominating or applying for open positions. Please participate if you are a voting member (Regular and Life). Every vote counts!

All current regular members are eligible to vote. You will receive an email from our secure elections vendor Simply Voting. Contact arvoelections@arvo.org if you do not receive an email to vote or have any questions.

AMPC 2024 elections — Voting closed May 5
AMPC nominees for 2024 elections — Nominations closed Feb. 16
  • Under the direction of the ARVO Executive Vice President, the Annual Meeting Program Committee (AMPC) selects the content for the scientific portion of the ARVO Annual Meeting. AMPC members serve a three- or four-year term and chair their AMPC section or group in the final year of service. NOTE: AMPC committee members may not be owners or employees of ACCME-defined ineligible companies. If you are an ARVO voting member in good standing, you should receive an email with your electronic proxy to cast your vote. Learn more
Committee volunteers — Application submission closed Jan. 12

All members are eligible to apply. Applicants were notified in mid-March 2024. Learn more

Board of Trustees nominations/elections

Comprised of elected members from ARVO's Scientific Sections, the Board of Trustees sets the strategic direction for ARVO and has the final responsibility and authority for all actions and policies that are recommended or adopted by standing and special committees, advisory councils and representatives to professional and governmental organizations, agents and employees. Trustees serve five-year terms. If you are an ARVO voting member in good standing, you should receive an email with your electronic proxy to cast your vote. Learn more

Immunology/Microbiology (IM), Retinal Cell Biology (RC) and Visual Psychophysics/Physiological Optics (VI) Trustee elections — Voting is open March 11 - May 5, 2024
  • Trustee-elect terms are 2024-2029
Physiology/Pharmacology (PH) and Retina (RE) Trustee nominations — Nominations closed Feb. 16
  • The two nominees in each section with the highest number of votes in the 2024 election become Trustee candidates in the 2025 election, which occurs in the months preceding the 2024 Annual Meeting. The Trustee candidates will be announced in May 2024 during the Annual Meeting. Learn more
Presidential elections

Trustees in their final year of service will stand for election by the Board to become the President-elect or Vice President-elect. Their terms start at the close of the Annual Meeting the following year. Presidential elections will take place on-site/in-person at the May board meeting each year.

At-Large Members-in-Training Trustee

An ex officio non-voting position, the At-Large Members-in-Training Trustee position is a two-year term that begins with the ARVO Board of Trustees meeting in the Fall. The current MIT Board Member, Maria Cabrera-Aguas, began her term with the 2023 ARVO Fall Board Meeting and will conclude her term at the 2025 Fall Board Meeting. The next MIT Board member will be appointed from October 2025 - October 2027. Learn more

ARVO Trustee Election Cycle
  • In 2023, AP and GL elect their Trustees while IM, RC and VI nominate candidates to run in 2024.
  • In 2024, IM, RC and VI elect their Trustees while PH and RE nominate candidates to run in 2025.
  • In 2025, PH and RE elect their Trustees while CO, EY and LE nominate candidates to run in 2026.
  • In 2026, CO, EY and LE elect their Trustees while BI, CL and VN nominate candidates to run in 2027.
  • In 2027, BI, CL and VN elect their Trustees while AP and GL nominate candidates to run in 2028.

Please email any questions to arvoelections@arvo.org